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New Ideas about an Old Teaching Tool

A lot has been written about the syllabus, but as the authors of the article referenced below point out, almost all of it focuses on “the nuts and bolts of crafting a course syllabus.” It's literature that helps “the instructor anticipate student information needed to begin the course.” (p. 703) Not receiving much focus in the literature are four larger frames Fornaciari and Lund Dean believe orient how faculty think about and use syllabi. Here's a summary of what they write about each of these.

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One Response

  1. Dr. Weimer, Is there any current conversation around content in the traditional syllabus and content in the LMS? When a course uses an LMS, that is where the course ‘lives’, and doesn’t that change the emphasis for/ need for/ use of of the written course syllabus? Do you know of any research on this topic in higher education?

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