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social media

Dynamic Simulations for Teaching

Computers have made it easier for instructors to use simulations in their teaching. These are usually self-paced and fully automated, allowing the instructor to step back and watch students work. But this automation tends to illuminate the randomness and sudden changes that happen in a

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Adventures with Snapchat in an Online Course

Snapchat is a video/photo-sharing app that has become nearly ubiquitous with young people due to a couple of unique features. One, the shared content automatically disappears after a set time. A shared Snap (a single image or video) goes away after being viewed by the

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how to use social media in classroom

Effective Use of Social Media to Promote Learning

Most faculty assume that students would welcome any use of social media in a course. After all, social media use is ubiquitous among students outside of class, and many students are already surreptitiously using it during class. But instructors often find that students are far

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