Faculty learn a lot about teaching by talking to each other. They share strategies, discuss problems, ask each other questions and pass on good ideas. They offer advice, make suggestions, and state opinions. Their exchanges may be brief and informal, ongoing and structured, or online or in person. No matter where or how they occur, the conversations improve if they’re informed—filled with good ideas and information that go beyond what an individual teacher has learned experientially. And that’s what we aspire to offer: a collection of articles filled with good instructional content. They’re articles worth discussing—provocative, stimulating, and informative.
Use the articles referenced in this collection for individual reflection. Discuss them—with a colleague, with a group that meets in person or virtually, or with regularly meeting faculty reading or discussion groups.
What’s included?
Each guide also includes questions for you to start the discussion, keep it going, or conclude it, but you might choose to ignore these. After all, we’ve tried to select articles so interesting that discussion will start and carry on without any prompting.
We’ve selected articles that
—Maryellen Weimer
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