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Student Learning

Developing Students’ Learning Philosophies

We, as instructors, often discuss our teaching philosophies but rarely consider our learning philosophies and those of our students. I believe that a learning philosophy is different from a learning style, which is often described as an innate student quality. In contrast, a learning philosophy

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Why Students Should Be Taking Notes

Students nowadays can be pretty demanding about wanting the teacher’s PowerPoints, lecture notes, and other written forms of the content presented in class. And a lot of teachers are supplying those, in part trying to be responsive to students but also because many students now

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Teacher Support that Increases Student Autonomy

Students need to be able to make decisions about learning on their own. Are there instructional behaviors teachers can use that move students in that direction? There are, and the research highlighted here offers one very practical set of teacher behaviors that increase student autonomy.

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Helping Students Overcome Learning Anxieties

The prevalence of “math anxiety” or “math phobia” is well established. Most of us who teach math have seen it firsthand. But math isn’t the only subject that students find frightening or think they can’t possibly learn. I’m writing about my efforts to help students

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Helping Students More Accurately Assess Their Performance

Several studies have documented that students, particularly beginning ones, tend to overestimate how well they’re doing in a course. I didn’t used to think this was a problem. I thought students who overestimated how well they were doing were talking about the grade they hoped

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Assessing Team Members

Teachers who use group work frequently incorporate some sort of peer assessment activity as a means of encouraging productive interactions within the group. If part of the grade for the group work depends on an assessment by fellow group members, students tend to take their

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Less Teaching and More Learning?

Is that possible? At first pass, it doesn’t seem likely, but the study referenced below contains 10 years’ worth of data confirming that student learning increased with less content and more inquiry. Let’s explore the context and detail the findings.

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