Most professors love to learn. Our bookshelves are full of books, our inboxes full of newsletters, and our files (paper or electronic) full of possibilities! Each one contains excellent resources, techniques, and ideas we plan to try someday. But for many of us, someday doesn’t
Quizizz has long been a popular app for developing and delivering quizzes to students, and like many apps, it has received major upgrades with the integration of generative AI. These upgrades save instructors time and can personalize learning for each student.
I’ll be honest. When the rapid evolution of AI caused teachers to panic, I did not worry too much. I could see that students could cheat more easily if they wanted, but I have always pushed myself to motivate students and engage them, provide a
Although I have been teaching for nearly 20 years, the memory of the first day I stepped into a classroom and faced students as a graduate teaching fellow is still sharp in my mind. I stood at the front of the room as students trickled
In recent years, the education world has been focusing on ways to generate student engagement in learning. This is because of the well-established fact that people learn better when they are actively thinking about the material as they learn it rather than just hoping to
Whether you love it or hate it, online higher education is here to stay. In the 2022–2023 academic year, more than half of all college students in the US enrolled in at least one online class (Coffey 2024). Of course, this is much lower than
When educators talk about AI, they seem to fall into one of two camps: one that is vehemently against the use of it in education and another that acknowledges its growing influence and agrees that the way we teach must change. I pondered my own
Many students struggle with their education due to poor study skills. They wait until the last minute to cram for an exam, when spaced repetition of the material at set intervals across a course is a much more effective learning method. Many will also just
On July 20, 2007, millions of people around the world were filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. What was the cause? The seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) was set to be released at
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