Taking Notes on the Reading
Every course has assignments, but do they get the attention they deserve or do the same versions end up in the syllabus year after year?
Every course has assignments, but do they get the attention they deserve or do the same versions end up in the syllabus year after year?
Students correct missed questions on their exams and reflect on the reasons why the questions were missed. They examine their study strategies and exam preparation
The main assignment is a traditional research paper, in this case one for a psychology research methods course. Drafts of each of the paper’s four
In most courses with some sort of research writing assignment, there’s a strongly worded prohibition against using Wikipedia. IT’S NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE! And measured
When a discussion didn’t go anywhere.
When a group couldn’t seem to work together.
When the answer was wrong.
When the grade was unexpected.
What’s the best way to put students into groups? It’s the first task that confronts teachers who want students to work together. And the best
I lost a dear friend last month, the colleague and mentor who taught me more about teaching and learning than anyone else. Over the years,
Recently I had reason to revisit Paul Pintrich’s meta-analysis on motivation. It’s still the piece I most often see referenced when it comes to what’s
Consider this scenario: Two sections of an art history course taught by two different instructors. Both professors show slides of paintings—six paintings each by 12
Class discussions present teachers with a number of different challenges, including the often limited number who participate, those who make comments but do so without
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