A Worthwhile Teaching Award
Teaching awards have many fans; I’m not among them. Nancy Chism’s analysis of 144 awards at 85 institutions (one of the few systematic reviews conducted)
Teaching awards have many fans; I’m not among them. Nancy Chism’s analysis of 144 awards at 85 institutions (one of the few systematic reviews conducted)
Why this article is worth discussing: It’s true, every class is unique and every student an individual. New content abounds; interesting bits can be added
“I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.” That line from an e e cummings
The body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of regular quizzes on assigned readings continues to grow. They’ve been shown to raise exam scores in courses
I’ve put together a lot of bibliographies in my day. They’re more like resource collections than comprehensive listings of relevant published work, which are pretty
Students can learn from and with each other—that’s supported by multitudes of research and maybe in your own experience as well. The learning doesn’t happen
If students don’t come right out and say they don’t want to work in groups, the nonverbal message comes through loud and clear. “Get together
“All teachers can improve; most should.” Did someone tell me this or did I make it up? I’ll put it in quotes because I’m not
Has teaching improved? It’s a question I’ve been putting to myself here on the backside of a long career. Without beginning benchmarks it’s hard to
Most teachers already spend time regularly reviewing course content. What’s different with these approaches is that they get students doing the reviewing and they do
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