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Teaching Gender and Sexuality in a Divisive Climate

Credit: Possoli
Credit: Possoli
Lately, social media videos have been flooded with discourse and arguments as to what constitutes a man and a woman and whether biology dictates gender. Many are being recorded on college campuses and in community forums. It is unclear which came first, but in 2023, several states enacted proclamations and laws surrounding the definition of “man” and “woman,” Montana, Kansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma have enacted what they call a “women’s bill of rights” (Ragar et al., 2023; Kemp 2023. These narrowly define gender in accordance with biological principles only. Several other states initiated similar actions, calling them the Save Women’s Sports Acts (Barnes, 2023). LGBTQ advocates have stepped up to intervene, but their efforts are often unheard or overlooked. Both the American Psychological Association (APA) and American Sociological Association (ASA) support faculty in promoting gender inclusive information and speech in courses and studies related to gender and sexuality.

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